Company News
UNFCC has awarded to UAL Koncrete carbon credit
UAL Koncrete (A unit of UAL Industries Ltd.), a leading green Building manufacturing company with a global manufacturing technology (HESS-Netherland) of Flyash Blocks (AAC PROCESS), has received ≈ 1.1 lakh carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for their sustainable practices.
This recognition is a significant milestone for the company's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and mitigating the effects of climate change.
This is truly a monumental accomplishment in AAC Block Project to issue Carbon Credits through adoption of ‘AMS-III.Z. ver. 4 : Fuel Switch, process improvement and energy efficiency in brick manufacture’ methodology.
UAL has always been a trailblazer in implementing such Climate Change Initiatives. Obtaining the issuance proves our commitment to entrepreneurial engagement with sustainable innovation, and social and environmental impact in the local and global communities.

Green Energy Initiatives by UAL
UAL Industries Limited [UAL] having its corporate office at Kolkata is a manufacturer of Fly Ash based Fibre Cement Roofing Sheets and Fly Ash Blocks (AAC Process). Company’s manufacturing facilities are located in the States of West Bengal, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh. All the units are accredited with Integrated Management System comprising of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 certificates. UAL commands 40% market share of its products in Eastern India. The turnover during the FY 2021-’22 was Rs.600 Crores. UAL’s products are sold under the Brand Name ‘KONARK”.
Government of India has given commitment in the Paris climate change summit for reduction of carbon emission upto 50% from the present level by 2035. As part of Green Energy initiatives to replace Thermal generated energy from burning of fossil fuels, the Company has installed 1800 KWP Rooftop Solar Energy Generation System in all its manufacturing facilities. The Company consumes 10% of its energy requirement from Solar Energy. Since installation of Solar Power System in its plants, UAL has generated 46,99,477 units of solar energy in last three years which has resulted in savings of approx. 2200 MT equivalent of coal burning, thereby contributing in reduction of emission of carbon di-oxide and other gaseous substances into the Environment which would have otherwise been generated by burning of this quantity of coal in Thermal Power Stations.
UAL has not stopped here, Company is planning to enhance the installed capacity by another 1000 KWP in the current FY 2022-’23 in all the manufacturing units thereby further adding in reduction of carbon emission in future.
1. Our Manufacturing process is designed on the concept of ZERO EFFLUENT DISCHARGE. Entire process water is recycled back to the process.
2. Sewage treatment plant (STP) is installed in all the units wherein entire contaminated water coming out of canteen, sanitization, wash water etc. is treated and used mainly for gardening purpose.
3. Since fibre cement sheet is cementitious material, earlier we had adopted wet curing method for achieving the desired strength in the sheet. In order to bring down the water consumption we have switched over to dry curing- sheets are cured with the help of inherent moisture in fibre cement matrix. By adopting this process we have been able to save 8-10% consumption of the water and in absolute terms approx. 22,000 KL.
4. Rain water harvesting system has been installed in all the 3 fibre cement sheet manufacturing units. During rainy season, the roof top water is taken through separate channel to avoid contamination of water and recharge in the sub soil through bore well. Piezometer is installed in the system for periodical measurement of sub soil water level and the same is recorded for monitoring. The total water recharge through this system is approximately 15, 000 KL. In the process we are helping to maintain the ground water level to some extent, it is beneficial in maintaining the sub soil water level in the periphery of our plants also.
5. One of the unit namely UAL Odisha at Dhenkenal usage surface water from nearby stream for manufacturing process, plantation, sanitation etc. round the year. During FY 21-22 this unit has used 38, 000 KL of surface water which otherwise would have been either wasted or contaminated.

A model of “CHANDRAYAAN- III” has been constructed entirely from scrap materials by our technical team and now it is adding to the beauty of the factory premises. It is a result of creative thinking of our technical team.